RWBY Season 1-9 Episode 116
Kill la Kill Season 1 Episode 1-25DARLING in the FRANXX Episode 1-24RWBY Ice Queendom S1 E1-12



Four teenage girls form Team RWBY and train to fight crime and monsters known as the Grimm, while the world of Remnant remains on the brink of an all-out war.

Specials Trailer

S0E1 Red Trailer
S0E2 White Trailer
S0E3 Black Trailer
S0E4 Yellow Trailer



 World of Remnant Kingdoms


World of Remnant Dust


 World of Remnant Kingdoms


World of Remnant Grimm


World of Remnant Aura


World of Remnant Vytal Festival Tournament


World of Remnant Huntsmen


World of Remnant Cross Continental Transmit System


World of Remnant The Four Maidens


Between Kingdoms


World of Remnant Faunus


World of Remnant Schnee Dust Company


World of Remnant The Great War

Season 1 Episode 1-16

S1E1 "Ruby Rose"

The debut episode of the new series RWBY, created by Monty Oum. Music available on iTunes and single "This Will Be the Day"

S1E2 "The Shining Beacon"

Ruby makes a new friend, the bumbling swordsman Jaune Arc, during her overwhelming first day at Beacon.

S1E3 "The Shining Beacon, Part 2"

Jaune makes the mistake of flirting with Weiss but finds a friend in star athlete Pyrrha Nikos, while Ruby is horrified to learn the details of Beacon's initiation ritual.

S1E4 "The First Step"

After (literally) dropping into the vast Emerald Forest, Ruby and the other initiates scramble to find their new partners and survive against the vicious creatures of Grimm. Welcome to school, kids!

S1E5 "The First Step, Part 2"

To their mutual displeasure, Ruby and Weiss are paired up during the initiation. Meanwhile Pyrhha lends a hand to Jaune, who may be in over his head at Beacon.

S1E6 "The Emerald Forest"

Yang and Blake happily partner up, while tensions rise between Ruby and Weiss.

S1E7 "The Emerald Forest, Part 2"

Things are going smoothly for Blake and Yang, but everything goes south when the other pairs show up with giant monsters on their tails.

S1E8 "Players and Pieces"

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, and fellow students Nora and Ren fight for their lives against the monstrous inhabitants of the Emerald Forest in their first true test as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

S1E9 "The Badge and The Burden"

The teams have been formed and classes at Beacon have begun, but Weiss can't understand why Ruby was put in charge of RWBY instead of her. Does the young prodigy really have what it takes to lead?

S1E10 "The Badge and The Burden, Part 2"

While Weiss struggles with her pride, Ruby begins to really wonder if the headmaster made a mistake in making her leader of team RWBY.

S1E11 "Jaunedice"

Jaune, the least-capable of the new Hunters, suffers under a bully.

S1E12 "Jaunedice, Part 2"

Pyrrha comes up with a plan to help Jaune, but things get complicated when he reveals how he came to the school

S1E13 "Forever Fall"

Jaune is being blackmailed into one terrible situation after another, but when Pyrrha becomes the target of a mean prank, he stands up to his tormentors.

S1E14 "Forever Fall, Part 2"

Resolving the "Jaune Arc", Jaune shows everyone that he truly has potential. But can he still repair his friendship with Pyrrha?

S1E15 "The Stray"

Two new contenders come to town in anticipation of the coming tournament. Blake and Weiss clash over prejudices concerning the faunus, which leads to Blake revealing her dark past.

S1E16 "Black and White"

Concluding volume one, Blake and a new friend attempt to find out who's behind a series of thefts, while team RWBY try to find her after she runs away.

Season 2 Episode 1-12

S2E1 "Best Day Ever"

A new semester at Beacon begins in a messy way as teams RWBY and JNPR go at it in a knockdown, drag-out food fight. Meanwhile, sinister forces gather, ready to strike at an unsuspecting kingdom.

S2E2 "Welcome to Beacon"

Blake, restless ever since her encounter with Torchwick, convinces the rest of team RWBY to help her hunt down the criminal. Cinder initiates the next phase of her plan.

S2E3 "A Minor Hiccup"

RWBY is joined by Sun and Neptune in their hunt for Torchwick. While scouring the town for clues Ruby bumps into her friend Penny, who's been behaving even more strangely than usual.

S2E4 "Painting The Town..."

Blake and Sun find Torchwick supplying advanced armaments to a group of radicals, but the two are discovered. All of RWBY must unite to defeat their enemy's newest weapon.

S2E5 "Extracurricular"

Pyrrha Nikos is one of the most promising new Huntresses at Beacon, called "the Invincible Girl" for good reason. But when it comes to matters of the heart Pyrrha's much more vulnerable than she let's on.

S2E6 "Burning the Candle"

Blake is running herself ragged trying to figure out Torchwick's next move, and Yang tries to get her to relax a bit and enjoy the upcoming dance. Pyrrha and Jaune both deal with unrequited love.

S2E7 "Dance Dance Infiltration"

Jaune starts to realize how Pyrrha feels about him, and makes a bold move. Ruby notices something amiss outside the dance, and ends up fighting for her life.

S2E8 "Field Trip"

The first year students receive their first real missions as Huntsmen and Huntresses as Ozpin and his allies seek a way to counter their mysterious for.

S2E9 "Search and Destroy"

Accompanied by the eccentric Huntsman Dr. Oobleck, team RWBY battles the Grimm in an abandoned part of the city, all while secretly searching for Torchwick's hideout.

S2E10 "Mountain Glenn"

Weiss, Blake and Yang contemplate why they want to become Huntresses, while Ruby makes a startling discover deep underground.

S2E11 "No Brakes"

Team RWBY fights against the clock to stop a train from reaching its destination.

S2E12 "Breach"

Hundreds of Grimm pour into the city and team RWBY alone cannot stop them. Cinder's carefully laid schemes are in danger of coming apart, so she thinks of a way to salvage the situation

Season 3 Episode 1-12

S3E1 "Round One"

The Vytal Festival Tournament is the ultimate battle of skill, pitting the world's most powerful Huntsmen and Huntresses in training against one another... and it's finally here!

S3E2 "New Challengers..."

The Vytal Festival continues through team JNPR vs team BRNZ, and team SSSN vs team NDGO. A strangely familiar face drunkenly watches the tournament.

S3E3 "It's Brawl in the Family"

After the arrival of Winter, Weiss and Ruby learn of the tension between her and Qrow.

S3E4 "Lessons Learned"

Mercury displays his tremendous skills as a fighter. Ruby and Yang gain valuable advice from Qrow, while Weiss learns a life lesson from Winter.

S3E5 "Never Miss a Beat"

During the second round of the vytal festival Yang and Weiss compete against an unfamiliar team.

S3E6 "Fall"

Ozpin and Pyrrha discuss the story of The Four Maidens. Afterwards, Yang and Mercury's fight reaches a jaw-dropping conclusion.

S3E7 "Beginning of the End"

Through flashbacks, the viewer learns how Cinder recruited her team and partnered up with the White Fang. Details of Amber's assassination attempt as well as Yang's seemingly unprovoked assault on Mercury are also shown.

S3E8 "Destiny"

Team RWBY recover from Yang's attack on Mercury. Pyrrah suffers under the dangerous decision she must make. Ruby becomes suspicious and the second round begins.

S3E9* "PvP"

Pyrrah and Penny begin their fight. Ruby and Mercury begin theirs. Cinder sends a deadly message.

S3E10* "Battle of Beacon"

Team RWBY is separated as Beacon and Vale suffers a devastating Grimm attack. The Huntsmen must stand together, but Cinder has more plans in place.

S3E11* "Heroes and Monsters"

Ruby faces off against Neo and Torchwick. The war for Beacon continues, and in the midst of all the chaos, Blake and Adam's encounter reaches a shocking conclusion. Pyrrha makes her decision.

S3E12* "End of the Beginning"

As the battle for beacon reaches a close, Pyrrha makes a decision that changes everything. When it ends, Ruby discovers there is more to her than she thought.

S0312.5 "Credits & Epilogue"

Season 4 Episode 1-12

S4E1 "The Next Step"

Six months on in the world of Remnant, we rejoin team RWBY in the premiere of RWBY Volume 4. Salem assigns her council and plots their next move. Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren fight a dangerous new Grimm in the forests.

S4E2 "Remembrance"

Team RNJR find the aftermath of a massacre. Weiss is cornered by her father, and Ruby discovers a sad truth.

S4E3 "Of Runaways and Stowaways"

Blake encounters a dangerous new Grimm on her way to Menagerie. Back at Patch, Yang continues to feel the effects the fall of Beacon has had on her.

S4E4 "Family"

Yang still deals with the events of the battle but then finds some enjoyable company and wise words from her father. Team RNJR travels to the next town with surprising ease, is luck on their side?

S4E5 "Menagerie"

Blake returns home to her family in Managerie, but Sun struggles to impress her father. Even here Blake struggles to outrun her problems, as the White Fang interrupts their reunion. Tyrian begins his hunt for Ruby.

S4E6 "Tipping Point"

Weiss sings her song and struggles with Atlesian unawareness. Team RNJR discover another ruined city and run into a deadly opponent.

S4E7 "Punished"

Weiss must face the consequences of her actions at the charity event, Qrow battles Tyrian to protect Team RNJR and Oscar learns more about his fate.

S4E8 "A Much Needed Talk"

Qrow is still recovering from his injury from the previous fight, as he informs team RNJR about the growing threat of Salem. Blake reconnects with her father.

S4E9 "Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back"

As Weiss and Yang continue their training, Blake and Sun hunt down the White Fang spy and Team RNJR must decide the best path to travel around a mountain in order to find help for Qrow.

S4E10 "Kuroyuri"

Being so close to their home town of Kuroyuri brings back painful memories for Ren and Nora, but with Qrow's condition worsening by the second, both halves of Team RNJR must keep moving forward.

S4E11 "Taking Control"

As Cinder continues her training with the maiden's power, Tyrian returns to explain his defeat to Salem. Weiss attempts to escape her father with Klein's help, Blake resolves to reclaim the White Fang, and Ren sees a nightmare from his past.

S4E12 "No Safe Haven"

Team RNJR battle against the Grimm that destroyed Kuroyuri, but Ren's anger causes him to lose control mid-battle and put his friend's lives in danger.

S4E12.5 "Epilogue"

Season 5 Episode 1-14

S5E1 "Welcome to Haven"

After a long and arduous journey, Team RNJR and Qrow finally meet with Professor Lionheart, Weiss continues to flee from her father, Blake confronts Ilia about her alliegence to the White Fang and Yang finds a lead to her mother.

S5E2 "Dread in the Air"

Weiss' path to Haven is blocked by a swarm of Lancers ambushing any aircraft in their territory. Adam meets with the White Fang's leader, Sienna Khan to introduce Hazel.

S5E3 "Unforeseen Complications"

Ghira and Blake's attempt to convince the Faunus of Menagerie to help save Haven are interrupted by Ilia. Weiss' captors reveal their plans to ransom her back to her father. Team RNJR learn more about Oscar's strange ability.

S5E4 "Lighting the Fire"

Ruby and Oscar begin training in hand-to-hand combat. Yang finds Raven's camp, but the discovery of Weiss' kidnapping sours their reunion.

S5E5 "Necessary Sacrifice"

Blake and Sun fail to get enough signatures for their petition to save Haven Academy. Ilia is given orders by the Albains to assassinate Blake's parents and capture Blake.

S5E6 "Known by its Song"

Raven explains to Yang and Weiss her distrust in Ozpin after learning about Salem's existence. She shows off her shape shifting ability as proof and offers Yang a choice to stay with her. Yang and Weiss choose to leave and reunite with Ruby.

S5E7 "Rest and Resolutions"

Yang confronts Ozpin about using magic on Qrow and Raven, who reveals everything about his powers and the Maidens. Meanwhile, Cinder, Watts, Mercury and Emerald arrive at Raven's camp.

S5E8 "Alone Together"

Emotions heighten as Ruby and Weiss discover that Yang has yet to forgive Blake. Illia's internal conflict grows. Blake discovers that her family is in danger.

S5E9 "A Perfect Storm"

Raven's camp is attacked by Cinder's group as they search for the Spring Maiden. Ilia leaves a note asking Blake to meet her in secret.

S5E10 "True Colors"

Blake attempts to reason with Ilia as Ghira and Sun fight Corsac and Fennec.

S5E11 "The More the Merrier"

Ruby and the rest of the gang meet with Professor Lionheart at Haven Academy, unaware that they are walking right into a trap.

S5E12 "Vault of the Spring Maiden"

Hazel's past is brought to light. Jaune discovers something about himself. Raven, Vernal, and Cinder enter the Vault.

S5E13 "Downfall"

Ruby distracts Emerald and Mercury so Yang cam pursue Raven and Cinder. Adam prepares to destroy the school, but Blake arrives with the rest of the Faunus to take him into custody.

S5E14 "Haven's Fate"

Emerald breaks down upon learning of Cinder's defeat while Adam and Lionheart flee, forcing Mercury and Hazel to retreat. Despite brief tension in Yang, Blake is welcomed back by RWBY.

Season 6 Episode 1-13

S6E1 "Argus Limited"

Ruby Rose and her friends have been burdened with transporting the Relic of Knowledge safely to Atlas. There are countless miles of Grimm-covered countryside between the city of Mistral and the northern coastline of Anima. Fortunately, the Argus Limited can easily make the journey - so long as nothing goes wrong.

S6E2 "Uncovered"

Enemies of Team RWBY search for their whereabouts. Meanwhile, Team RWBY question Ozpin, as his past begins to haunt him.

S6E3* "The Lost Fable"

What's your favorite fairy tale?

S6E4 "So That's How It Is"

Heroes and villains alike are confronted with troubling revelations.

S6E5 "The Coming Storm"

The spiders in Mistral always deliver, but shelter doesn't always guarantee safety.

S6E6 "Alone in the Woods"

As darkness falls on Brunswick Farms and the snow continues to fall, Team RWBY's morale is at an all-time low. The only thing worse than being stranded, alone in the woods - is realizing you're not alone at all.

S6E7 "The Grimm Reaper"

While Cinder shares her plans with Neo, Maria shares her past with Team RWBY, and both groups are dead-set on making it to Atlas.

S6E8 "Dead End"

The Atlas representatives in Argus have no intention of assisting Team RWBY. In fact, they're adamantly opposed to it. It's time to come up with a new solution - and it's time to tell Jaune, Nora, and Ren about Jinn.

S6E9 "Lost"

With Cinder gone, Emerald and Mercury are starting to raise questions, and they're not the only ones; Jaune, Nora, and Ren search for Oscar, but still aren't sure what they'll do if they find him.

S6E10 "Stealing from the Elderly"

Our heroes have one shot to pull off the heist of their lives, and if they're going to succeed, they'll need everyone to do their part. It's go time.

S6E11 "The Lady in the Shoe"

The only thing standing between our heroes and Atlas is Caroline Cordovin, but it will have to be a joint effort if they're going to bring her down. Meanwhile, Yang races to find Blake while Adam does his best to finish her.

S6E12"Seeing Red"

Our heroes are running out of time. As Cordovin continues to stand tall, Blake and Yang stand together, and all combatants must ask themselves, "How far am I willing to go to win?"

S6E13 "Our Way"

A Leviathan has emerged from the ocean depths and now threatens to destroy the city of Argus. With Cordo's Colossus incapacitated, the Atlas Base has little they can do to protect the people.

Season 7 Episode 1-13

S7E1 "The Greatest Kingdom"

Our heroes have finally made it to Atlas, but are they truly as safe as they'd hoped? This shining city in the clouds may be a beacon of hope for Remnant, but it casts a dark shadow.

S7E2 "A New Approach"

Arresting people isn't exactly the best way to make a first impression. However, once the initial shock has worn off, Ruby and her friends learn there's a lot more to these Ace Ops - and even General Ironwood - than first meets the eye.

S7E3 "Ace Operatives"

Out in the snowy tundra, the Ace Ops show teams RWBY and JNR the ropes.

S7E4 "Pomp and Circumstance"

Riding the high of completing their first mission in Atlas, the gang is itching to hone their skills and provide some much-needed help to the citizens of Mantle.

S7E5 "Sparks"

Between missions, training, and rising political unrest, these fledgling huntsmen and huntresses have quite a lot on their hands.

S7E6 "A Night Off"

After constant missions and vigorous training sessions, the kids finally get a night off to relax. But attending a political rally may not be the most leisurely activity.

S7E7 "Worst Case Scenario"

How far would you be willing to go to do what's right?

S7E8 "Cordially Invited"

Jacques and Ironwood engage in a dangerous game of wits. Meanwhile, the kids must face their most dangerous threat yet: a high class dinner party.

S7E9 "As Above, So Below"

Will you tell the truth? Or will someone tell it for you? The answer can make all the difference in the world.

S7E10 "Out in the Open"

The truth is finally out, and it's not only our heroes who take notice. With everything at stake, it's all hands on deck to protect the City of Mantle.

S7E11 "Gravity"

Between Watts, Tyrian, and the seemingly endless swarm of Grimm, evil is encroaching on our heroes from all sides. The biggest threat, however, may be hiding where they least expect it.

S7E12 "With Friends Like These"

With Salem's forces drawing closer, and the General's orders for their arrest, our heroes are forced to fight on all fronts to save the city Ironwood has abandoned.

S7E13 "The Enemy of Trust"

Who will you become when your greatest fears are realized?

Season 8 Episode 1-14

S8E1 "Divide"

More than ever before, the allied forces standing against Salem need to be united. But after Ironwood refused to continue evacuating Mantle, our heroes need to choose a new path forward -- if only they could agree on one.

S8E2 "Refuge"

Ruby, Nora, Blake, May, and Penny set their sights on Atlas Military Command. Meanwhile Yang, Ren, Jaune, and Oscar handle evacuations in Mantle. If they can get everyone to the crater in time, they just might be able to save them.

S8E3 "Strings"

The fate of humanity requires our heroes to infiltrate the most heavily-guarded facility in Atlas -- all in a day's work.

S8E4 "Fault"

Jaune, Ren, and Yang's pursuit of a mysterious new Grimm results in unexpected complications. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake find a new place to lay low. Cinder receives an ultimatum.

S8E5 "Amity"

This is it. Their chance to tell the world the truth. Will their message be heard?

S8E6 "Midnight"

It's time.

S8E7 "War"

It's all out war in Atlas. Our heroes face an impossible problem. Where do they go from here?

S8E8 "Dark"

We're not alone.

S8E9 "Witch"

The clock is ticking on Jaune, Ren, and Yang's rescue mission. The Ace-Ops hold the line against against Salem's forces.

S8E10 "Ultimatum"

As the fog of war covers the kingdom, Atlas nears it's breaking point.

S8E11 "Risk"

Tensions rise in Schnee Manor as our reunited heroes find themselves backed into corner.

S8E12 "Creation"

It's risky, dangerous, and nearly impossible - but it's the best plan they've got.

S8E13 "Worthy"

The plan to evacuate the city is on the way. However, Cinder has other ideas.

S8E14 "The Final Word"

Sometimes it's worth it all to risk the fall.

Season 9 Episode 1-10

S9E1 "A Place of Particular Concern"

Team RWBY washes up on an huge island in unknown location with Jaune and Neo, while their friends and the people of both Altas and Mantle journey across Vacuo.

S9E2 "Altercation at the Auspicious Auction"

In which Team RWBY gets more than they bartered for.

S9E3 "Rude, Red, and Royal"

In which the rules of a game are broken.

S9E4 "A Cat Most Curious"

In which new acquaintances are made.

S9E5 "The Parfait Predicament"

In which a dessert is assembled.

S9E6 "Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds"

In which old friends reunite.

S9E7 "The Perils of Paper Houses"

In which plans and schedules are made.

S9E8* "Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble"

In which some tea is spilled.

S9E9 "A Tale Involving a Tree"

In which a door is encountered.

S9E10 "Of Solitude and Self"

In which a choice must be made.

Kill la Kill Season 1 Episode 1-25DARLING in the FRANXX Episode 1-24RWBY Ice Queendom S1 E1-12

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